Jumaat, 15 Mac 2013

Permulaan Baru

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Ini kali pertama buat entri melalui telefon. Maklum la sekarang ini sangat malas untuk online di laptop. So,terfikir untuk buat permulaan baru. Sekarang dah masuk semester baru. Semester depan saya akan berpraktikum. Cepatnya masa berlalu. Pejam celik, pejam celik dah nak habis belajar. Apabila fikir nak habis belajar. Rasa sangat teruja. Harap-harap Allah permudahkan segalanya.
Permulaan baru?? New start?? Yes,a new start for a new me. Am I changing? InsyaAllah akan berubah ke arah kebaikan. Diri ini pun banyak kelemahan. Kelemahan ini merupakan pendorong untuk berubah. I'm try to be more confident,happy go lucky,and so on. Sometimes,there are comes some thought, why they doesn't like me? Am I too snob? Ugly? No, they don't know the real me. They are some people on my side doesn't appreciate me(just my instinct). But it's okay. I know there are a lot of people that appreciate me and love me. For those who love me. That's a lot of your love. I'm promise I will appreciate that.
#please pray the best for me.


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